Unity Christian Fellowship is a Jesus-centered, open and friendly church that gathers on Sundays at Jewels, in Bedford Square for a relaxed, informal time of sharing, worship, and study. On the first Sunday of each month, we enjoy breakfast together as we share with one another about our lives, followed by a shorter time of singing and praying together.

Unity Christian Fellowship is a family of people who care very much for each other, and we welcome anyone of any age or background to come and meet with us. 

We are committed to being the Body of Christ in which each of us has a part to play (1 Corinthians 12). We endeavour to facilitate and encourage one another in our relationships with God and to equip one another to reach out with the Good News and love of Jesus.

We are involved in various outreach projects to serve the local community, mostly through Jewels Art, Craft and Coffee Centre in Bedford Square. 

Church Gatherings and Events

Church is who we are, not where we go, but we love the times when we get together with our church family to worship God together.


Our regular Sunday gathering starts at 10:00 at Jewels in Bedford Square, Houghton Regis (LU5 5ES) and last until about 12 midday.

We arrive at 10 am for a time of drinks and fellowship; an opportunity to catch up with one another and find out what has been happening in each other’s lives.

You can expect readings from the Bible, songs, prayer time and testimonies (people sharing their own stories and experiences of how God is real and active in their lives).

All are welcome – come as you are and wear whatever you feel comfortable in!


We also have additional gatherings for deeper bible study, discipleship, worship and prayer. Times and locations vary so please contact us for up-to-date details.